●2008年11月28日 ACCJ関西支部幹部と橋下大阪府知事と対談
●November 28, 2008 Meeting the Governor of Osaka

In the first formal meeting between the ACCJ and Osaka Governor Toru Hashimoto, Kiran Sethi and Jiri Mestecky informed the Osaka Governor about the ACCJ Kansai's recent activities, such as the 2008 Walk-A-Thon, and the overall mission of the ACCJ.
The Governor stressed the importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Kansai area and highlighted the recent projects that the prefecture has undertaken to make it an attractive destination for foreign capital and visitors. He was also very enthusiastic about holding next year's Walk-A-Thon in the Nakanoshima redevelopment area.
(写真左から右へ)在日米国商工会議所(ACCJ)関西支部渉外・広報委員長 キラン・セティ、大阪府知事 橋下 徹、ACCJ関西支部長 ジリ・メステッキー、ACCJ関西事務長 山田 恵三
(Left to right) External Affairs Committee Chair Kiran Sethi, Osaka Governor Toru Hashimoto, Kansai Chapter Governor Jiri Mestecky, and Kansai Chapter Office Director Keizo Yamada




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